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What Are Some Commonly Occurring Orthodontic Problems? Let’s Find Out.

Orthodontic problems – or malocclusions – as scientifically referred to, are irregularities in the alignment of teeth and jaws. These issues can be categorized into skeletal and dental problems and can vary across different age groups—children, teens, and adults. Understanding these categories and age-specific distributions can help you recognize potential orthodontic issues and seek appropriate treatment.

Skeletal Problems

Skeletal malocclusions are related to the misalignment of the jaw bones. These are usually caused due to some form of growth abnormality in either or both the jaws. Common skeletal problems include:

Dental Problems

Dental malocclusions are related to the misalignment of the teeth themselves, rather than the jaw. These occur as a result of a combination of factors such as early loss of milk teeth, digit sucking habits and abnormal eruption patterns, to name a few. Common dental problems include:

Age-Wise Occurence of Malocclusions

Children (6-12 years)
In children, malocclusions often stem from habits such as thumb-sucking, prolonged bottle-feeding, or pacifier use. Common issues include:
Early orthodontic evaluation, typically around the age of 7 years (as recommended by the American Association of Orthodontists), can help identify and address these issues before they become more severe.
Teens (13-18 years)
As permanent teeth replace primary teeth, teens may experience:
Orthodontic treatment during the teen years is often most effective. As the jaw is still growing, any jaw discrepancy can be addressed by growth modification procedures. Similarly, due to active growth phase and pliable nature of bones, teeth can be more easily moved as compared to later ages.
Adults (above 18 years)
Adults may seek orthodontic treatment for:
Adult treatment may be more complex due to fully developed bones, but modern orthodontics offers various solutions such as clear aligners and less visible braces, along with assistive procedures for accelerated orthodontic tooth movement.


Understanding the types and causes of malocclusions across different ages helps in recognizing when to seek orthodontic care. Whether you’re dealing with skeletal or dental issues, early intervention can make a significant difference in achieving structural balance, functional efficiency, and aesthetic harmony. If you or your child exhibit any signs of the above listed malocclusions, consulting with a specialist orthodontist can provide a clear path to better oral health and a beautiful smile.
At AQR orthodontics, we take pride in helping you along this journey.
Get in touch with us to find out more.